Join conditions
Here is a magnificent stage! No script, no director, allowing your talents to shine freely!
● Exclusively represents the Meihui brand, trusts the Meihui brand, and collaborates with clients who advance hand in hand with the Meihui brand;
● Engaged in commercial work, with rich industry experience, mature management experience, and understanding of industry rules;
● Straightforward, focuses on long-term interests, values integrity in cooperation, and understands win-win collaboration;
● Understands corporate products, not only values product quality and technology but also emphasizes marketing, and has unique market management plans and strategies as practical clients;
● Has a deep brand awareness, values brand marketers;
● Has an education level above high school and owns housing assets locally;
● Actions are not solely for "money", but possess familial affection, friendship, and a sense of social morality;
● Has stable and sufficient market operation funds, a business foundation, internet awareness, and understands the concept of "unity is strength";
● Strives to develop the local market and steadily grow their business in a specific area;
● Focuses on self-cultivating the market, understands how brand operations win the market, and knows the natural laws of brand cultivation, sowing, nurturing, harvesting, and creating high yields.
TEL /400-995-8827
Address: Quanhui Petrochemical Park, Fujian Province
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